About Mary

Mary Zelmer has studied and practiced Qigong for over 20 years and is recognized as a Qigong Master Healer and teacher. She works with and supports individual clients and groups. Mary earned her B.S. in Community Education at Minnesota State-Mankato, and she has created and leads a community-based non-profit organization known as the Qigong Connection, which assists people in broadening their knowledge and practice of Qigong. 

The Qigong Connection also promotes individual and community healing. Mary has led numerous large group healing meditations and retreats, organized conferences, created educational programs, and laid intentional groundwork for healing communities and organizations, both locally and internationally. Mary has also been a guest healer/speaker at workshops, conferences, colleges, and high schools. She assists clients on their unique path to wellness. Her passion is to bring awareness to the healing power that arises from the energetic connection between the heart and nature.

Degrees, training, experience, and other qualifications:

  • Private Qigong Energy Practice since 2008
  • Intensive study with Qigong Master Chunyi Lin, 2001–2010
  • Completed Certification for Spring Forest Qigong Guide Program, 2005
  • Certified Spring Forest Qigong Master Healer I & II, 2008, 2009
  • Certified Spring Forest Qigong Instructor, Levels I – II and Qi-ssage, 2008, 2009
  • Qigong Practitioner at Spring Forest Qigong Healing Center, 2006–2010
  • Qigong Practitioner, Meditation Leader, Presenter at Spring Forest Qigong Retreats, Healing Workshops, Guild and Conferences, 2006–2010
  • Creator, implementer and organizer of Spring Forest Qigong Guild Outreach program
  • SFQ Teacher and Trainer of Guild Outreach Volunteers
  • Creator, Organizer, and Presenter of ”Healing the Earth Conference” using Chow Qigong with Qigong Grandmaster, Dr. Effie Chow, 2010
  • Completed Level 1 Intensive Training Program in Chow Integrated Healing System and Chow Qigong, 2010
  • Meditation Leader for to Assist Individuals with Chronic Illnesses along with their Families and Communities, 2010–present
  • Energetic Consultant and Intuit, Loural Village Portugal, 2010
  • Qigong Mentor and Teacher of St. Olaf Students Mind Body and Spirit Club, 2009–2013
  • Qigong Guest Speaker at New Prague High School’s Wellness Classes, 2008–present
  • SFQ Teacher of Levels One, Two, Qissage, Meditation Guide, and special energy topics at Mankato State University, Saint Cloud University, Anoka Ramsey Community College, Northfield and St. Peter Community Education, and Good Counsel in Mankato
  • Qigong and Qissage Instructor for Belle Plaine Animal Hospital, 2013–2014
  • Co-creator, Organizer, and Visionary of Qigong Connection, Non-Profit, 2011–present
  • Executive Director and Leader of Qigong Connection, Non-Profit, 2015–present
  • Organizer of Elemental Qigong Conference with Qigong Grand Master Dr. Alex Feng, 2015
  • Energetic Guide and Mentor, Timbavati, Tsau Preserve, South Africa, the homeland of the White Lions, 2015
  • Co-creator and Instructor of the White Lions Project, 2015
  • Apprentice of Sue Vivant, Energy Channeler and Healer, 2010–present
  • Completed Integrative Somatic Trauma Therapy Certification, 2021